Friday, February 4, 2011

Save the Deer

The Buck, the Doe, the Works

     Deer are ruminant mammals that live in the Cervidae family.Male deer grow and shed new antlers each year! Deer can live in a varying group of habitats ranging from the tundra to the tropical rainforest!

The White Tailed Deer

     The white-tailed deer are in the Odocoileus Virginianus family and can be known as the Virginia deer or simply as the whitetail. The White-tailed deer can be found east of the Rocky Mountains, but can't be found in 5 US states! The land these magnificent creatures live in is filled with coniferous trees which has been favorable to the white-tailed deer. Adult white-tails have reddish-brown coats in summer and a duller grayish-brown one in winter. Male deer are known as bucks, while a female is known as a doe.White-tailed deer are the smallest members of the North American deer family. Amazing, isn't it.

The Deer's Endangerment

     The Bawean Deer is an endangered breed of the deer with only about 300 left in existence. The Bawean Deer live only on the island of Bawean, a very small island that would take about three laps around the coastline to qualify as a full marathon and was rich in natural resources covered by a thick forest that made the perfect home for the watchful Bawean Deer which were believed to have lived in various parts of the island before the 19th century. Male Siberian Musk Deers have a substance called musk which has a smell that attracts females, and humans, putting the deer on the brink of extinction. Humans hunt the musk deer to make its musk into medicine and perfume.

What can you do to Help?

      STOP EATING MEAT!!! The #1 deer killer is hunting. If we don't eat meat, they don't hunt.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Protect the Wolves!

The Wolf

     The wolf is a large member of the Canine family. Legends of wolves portrayed them as the Anti-Christ, epitome of evil. The Middle Ages in Europe was a time of growing enlightenment and crushing superstition. A belief in werewolves was widespread. It also portrayed them as noble creatures who can teach us many things. To some the wolf was seen as a wise, powerful, an instinctive hunter, a teacher in fact, of tactics humans could emulate against buffalo or caribou. Wolves need an average of three to ten pounds of meat each day to survive. Without the food, they would soon starve and die. Although wolves eat the meat from animals from the Cervidae family, beavers, rabbits and mice, they would never kill a human. Therefore, they are not a threat to us.

The Wolf's Endangerment

     There are only 52 Mexican gray wolves in the wild, therefore they are the rarest land animals in North America. Only one pair of Mexican gray wolves per year is allowed to be released.  Today, there are about 50 to 90 Mexican gray wolves in existence, including 19 that reside at the California Wolf Center.

What can you do to help?

     For starters, you can make a chart asking for people to demote killing wolves and make an environmentalist blog like this one here. If this isn't enough, come up with your own ideas! The options are endless!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Compost and recycle: DON'T THROW EVERYTHING AWAY!

Chapter 1-Where Does Our Trash go?
        Our trash today goes into landfills, THE OCEAN, and sometimes, OUR YARDS!!!

Part 1-Landfills
        In our world today, we have 3,091 active landfills, and 10,000 municipal landfills for a total of 13,091 landfills altogether. In the old times, each and every town had it's own landfill (in the US). Any water that lands on a landfill will instantly become toxic and poisonous.

Part 2-Ocean Waste/Pollution
        If you want to know how much water pollution there is for starters, try this on for size: Pacific Ocean Plastic Waste Dump (POPWD) has as much waste=2x the size of the continental US. Every year in the US, factories release 3 million tons of toxic waste! Due to this, we loose over 15 million acres of land every year!!! WHY!?!?!? Every day, 190 million gallons of treated sewage water gets discharged into our ocean.

Chapter 2-Compost and Recycle
        If you are concerned about these matters, this is what you can do.

Part 1-Compost Piles
        Composting is easy for any leftovers or bio-degradable bags (such as the new sun-chips). All you need is a dark bin (or a cardboard box), soil, soil conditioner, mulch, fertilizer, and worms. Tip- if you have a dog, put it out of the dog's reach. How to set one up: Step 1- Choose a convenient spot that's still out of plain sight [such as underneath the kitchen sink]. (Step 2- If you want, you can have a three bin system. I'd recommend it.) Tips-Keep the lid open for easy access. If you live in a rainy climate cover it with a sheet of plywood. Make sure you give it the right amount of moisture to give the best results. Step 3- Turn the pile once a week to keep it from compacting.

Part 2-Recycling
        To cut down on trash even more have a recycling center in your home. Here are some tips on recycling:
Wherever you do any paperwork or do your homework, have a bin for paper recycling. Whenever you have a party, if anyone has a drink, when they're done tell them to put it in a plastic bag and have some around the house for drink containers and cartons, too. For plastic recycling, put a bin next to the trash.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Going Green

Part 1, Heating the world, greenhouse gasses

What in the World is Global Warming?!

Global Warming comes from radiation from the sun trapped in by greenhouse gasses. Thus, causing the Earth's temperature to rise, which is Global Warming

What are Greenhouse Gasses?

Greenhouse Gasses are emissions from cars, factories, and power plants which flow into the atmosphere and lock in heat and radiation from the sun.

The Greenhouse effect.

A car is a great example of the Greenhouse effect, light goes in the car through the window, but doesn't go out, Making the car hot, same with the Earth. It's not all bad though, without any greenhouse gasses at all, it would be freezing at night because there is no trapped in heat to keep the night warm, and at day it would be scorching because there would be direct heat to the Earth's surface. But too much is too much!

Animals Dieing Because of Global Warming

Lizards in the tropics detect even the smallest change in the climate caused by global warming where any big change may kill several of their kind. Even worse, between a third to a half of land animal and plant species will face extermination in the year 2050.

Part 2, Making a difference

           Switch to these methods of energy and you'll save several lives including yourselves

Wind Power

The force of the wind propels into the blades of the wind turbines causing motion which is converted into electrical current by means of an electrical generator. However, it needs constant wind currents for it to operate efficiently on its own. If I was to suggest a combination of power sources I would suggest this and solar power.

The Benefit of Wind Power
  • Wind Power is non-pollutive so it cannot contaminate the environment, with no chemical processes going on, like in the burning of fossil fuels, in wind power generation, nothing harmful is left over.
Solar Power

Solar energy is used for its heating properties and the production of electricity. It also can be used for heating water or air. Solar panels frequently are put on roofs for the most amount of sunlight for the most amount of power.

The Benefit of Solar Power
  • The benefits of solar power are seen frequently to heat pools, spas, and water tanks all over.
  • Solar Power is non-pollutive so it cannot contaminate the environment, with no chemical processes going on, like in the burning of fossil fuels, in wind power generation, nothing harmful is left over.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


 Section 1, The Chicken

    Chickens are kind, cool animals who can be as smart as mammals like cats, dogs, and even primates!

They are very social and like to spend their lives with each other, looking around the ground, searching food, and taking in the sunlight in treetops.

Mother hens will speak to their chicks who, still in their shells, chirp back to their mothers and to one another and will still be able to hear!

 Section 2, In the Cage

"The more than 9 billion chickens raised on factory farms each year in the U.S. never have the chance to do anything that is natural to them." (phrase copied from

“Broilers” (chickens raised for their flesh, named by the chicken industry), spend their entire lives in filthy sheds, packed into other chickens, this confinement can lead to outbreaks of disease.

Section 3, KFC Killing friendly chickens

"KFC suppliers cram birds into huge waste-filled factories, breed and drug them to grow so large that they can’t even walk, and often break their wings and legs."

(phrase copied from http://www.kentuckyfriedcruelty .com/ by

When the time comes for the poor bird's death its throat is slit and they are dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water—often while they are still conscious.

These methods would be illegal for KFC to do to any other animal used for meat, so why not the chicken?

We need to save these animals from death, confinement to zoos, or even worse Extinction!!! So please stop eating them!

             I had two chickens named Fredrick and Chloe, two great chickens. Fredrick would protect Chloe from any harm and Chloe would make the best eggs which were DOUBLE YOLKED!!! Imagine killing that.

I would like to give credit to's campaign against KFC, and especially which, without, this post would be nothing.

This link will send you to the chick sisters game provided by (this game will make learning fun!)

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Section 1, The baby cow, the cage, and nothing else

    These animals are living the worst lives possible; never able to see touch or eat the grass,

never able to nurse from their mothers. When most baby cows (or known as there meat's name,

veal) are first born, they are lifted into a truck or rail, taken to a slaughterhouse, and packed into a

small cage where they will receive a pre-slaughter inspection.Their legs are packed up into their

stomach, their heads pushing out of the bars in the front, and their tails popping out of the back.

Every few days or so they inject them with steroids to make more meat for the increasing demand

of meat. Once fat enough, slice! Some of the others are killed instantly after birth for bob veal.

Fact: most baby calfs only live for 14 weeks.

Section 2, the even less fortunate.

    If the cows live... unfortunately... they will be moved, cage to cage, barely  getting

bigger each time and then they will get a pre-slaughter inspection. Then when the adults give birth

to baby cows or a baby cow they are moved to a point where they are cleaned, before an autistic

woman known as Temple Grandin who invented the cleaning process for cows by putting them on

cranes and dipping them in the water where they can still breathe and lifting them back out came

along cows were moved onto a platform and electrocuted until they would fall in the water and

almost drown.

Section 3, The female cow.

    A young female cow or calf is raised to be a dairy cow. She is given antibiotics and is

eventually put on a milk machine where her milk will be continuously pumped every day in her

uncomfortable, unnatural environment. And after giving birth to her young, she will still be milked

for years until production slows, at this time she will be slaughtered.

Section 4, the slaughtering.

    Eventually the rest will get killed along with the others, they will be hung by there hind legs

and they are placed on a processing line where their main artery is cut out. After this, the cow's

blood will drain and they will very soon die. the cow's hide skin and/or plumage will be removed and

the poor specimen's carcass will be inspected by a government inspector for quality and saftey.

finally, the carcass is cut and the body parts separated.

Section 5, the slightly more fortunate.

    Some male cows are put in somewhat small "open pens" for slightly happier lives, but they

will still be chained and most are destine for the veal crate(The veal crate is a restraining device

that is made out of wood and is destine to be the veal calf's home for the rest of his life.).It is only

22" x 54" and the cows can stand, but still not move. It also is the most high profit, animal

confinement agriculture. Designed to prevent exercise, the crate atrophies the calves' muscles to

produce tender "gourmet" veal.

Section 6, Food to the cow.

    The calves are generally fed a milk substitute that lacks essential

nutrients so that the cow can keep its anemic and creates the pale pink or white color desired in

the finished product. Farmers also deprive the animals of water, who, always thirsty, are driven

to drink a large quantity of the liquid feed that they are given. Because of these extremely

unhealthy living conditions and restricted diets, calves are susceptible to have several diseases,

including "scours," or constant diarrhea. In the instance of this happening, they must be given

huge doses of antibiotics and other drugs to make sure they live which is also consumed by YOU

in the meat.

Section  7, How you can help!

    At any age, young or old, big or small, It’s just a step away to get active for animals that we

eat. There are also a lot of things that don't require much money that you can do! The best thing

you can do to help animals is to stop eating them! In fact, for every person who goes vegetarian

hundreds of animals (a year) are saved. (The U S by itself eats even more than 27 billion animals

each year. How is that possible when there aren't even 7 billion people on the planet?! I don't know)

This doesn't mean you have to go vegan. What's a vegan? Well, a vegan is a person who cuts out

meat AND dairy. Don't want to stay vegetarian/vegan forever? Well only do it for a month.

Section 8, The cow life.

    Ever seen a cow? They’re wonderful, friendly animals that are a man's friend, if so, then

why do we kill them anyway? In nature, cows are vegetarians, but those who are raised for food

are only allowed to graze freely for the first couple of months of their lives if lucky enough. After

that, they are fed nothing but ground-up animals, like dogs and cats that have been pumped full of

illegal hormones and antibiotics so that they fatten up easily.

In conclusion, man is to be known as 50% mean, and 50% kind, so lets try to make it 100% kind!

I would like to give credit to for helping me with my work, here is the link to the petakids website