Friday, February 4, 2011

Save the Deer

The Buck, the Doe, the Works

     Deer are ruminant mammals that live in the Cervidae family.Male deer grow and shed new antlers each year! Deer can live in a varying group of habitats ranging from the tundra to the tropical rainforest!

The White Tailed Deer

     The white-tailed deer are in the Odocoileus Virginianus family and can be known as the Virginia deer or simply as the whitetail. The White-tailed deer can be found east of the Rocky Mountains, but can't be found in 5 US states! The land these magnificent creatures live in is filled with coniferous trees which has been favorable to the white-tailed deer. Adult white-tails have reddish-brown coats in summer and a duller grayish-brown one in winter. Male deer are known as bucks, while a female is known as a doe.White-tailed deer are the smallest members of the North American deer family. Amazing, isn't it.

The Deer's Endangerment

     The Bawean Deer is an endangered breed of the deer with only about 300 left in existence. The Bawean Deer live only on the island of Bawean, a very small island that would take about three laps around the coastline to qualify as a full marathon and was rich in natural resources covered by a thick forest that made the perfect home for the watchful Bawean Deer which were believed to have lived in various parts of the island before the 19th century. Male Siberian Musk Deers have a substance called musk which has a smell that attracts females, and humans, putting the deer on the brink of extinction. Humans hunt the musk deer to make its musk into medicine and perfume.

What can you do to Help?

      STOP EATING MEAT!!! The #1 deer killer is hunting. If we don't eat meat, they don't hunt.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Protect the Wolves!

The Wolf

     The wolf is a large member of the Canine family. Legends of wolves portrayed them as the Anti-Christ, epitome of evil. The Middle Ages in Europe was a time of growing enlightenment and crushing superstition. A belief in werewolves was widespread. It also portrayed them as noble creatures who can teach us many things. To some the wolf was seen as a wise, powerful, an instinctive hunter, a teacher in fact, of tactics humans could emulate against buffalo or caribou. Wolves need an average of three to ten pounds of meat each day to survive. Without the food, they would soon starve and die. Although wolves eat the meat from animals from the Cervidae family, beavers, rabbits and mice, they would never kill a human. Therefore, they are not a threat to us.

The Wolf's Endangerment

     There are only 52 Mexican gray wolves in the wild, therefore they are the rarest land animals in North America. Only one pair of Mexican gray wolves per year is allowed to be released.  Today, there are about 50 to 90 Mexican gray wolves in existence, including 19 that reside at the California Wolf Center.

What can you do to help?

     For starters, you can make a chart asking for people to demote killing wolves and make an environmentalist blog like this one here. If this isn't enough, come up with your own ideas! The options are endless!